Help Your Kids Overcome Learning Challenges This Year In Laguna Beach

Help Your Kids Overcome Learning Challenges this Year in Laguna Beach CA

School is in full swing!

As a parent, this means staying on top of schedules, driving from practice to practice, and helping your kids get through homework each night. We know this can be overwhelming.

So we want to give you some support by sharing the information you need to make this a successful year for your kids in Laguna Beach CA.

Help Your Child Succeed in Laguna Beach

Many children suffer from ADD, ADHD, difficulty focusing, stress, food intolerance, and fatigue. These difficulties can be discouraging, causing students to believe they aren't capable of succeeding. Watch this Lunch with the Doc Episode providing practical wisdom on ADD, ADHD, fatigue, and stress.

We know this puts you in a difficult position as a parent. You want to help your child, but maybe you don't know how. Or you have some options, but are unsure of the best solution.

That is why we are providing you with several resources below to get right to the heart of these issues and give you practical advice for what to do in these situations.

Check out this one-minute health tip from Dr. Lisa about minerals for increased focus above.

May these resources be an encouragement for you, full of useful insight.

If your child is struggling in school, we invite you to come in for an appointment in which we will check on the inflammatory processes, food intolerances, hormonal disruptions, and nutrient deficiencies that are contributing to the problem and provide you with solutions for moving forward.

Let's get to the root of the problem and see your child thrive!


7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

Massage Only
8:00am - 12:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Health in Balance

330 Park Ave #3
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
P: (949) 497-2553
F: (949) 497-5273