Mind-Body Research in Laguna Beach CA

Chiropractor Laguna Beach CA Gary Arthur Mind Body Care Neuro Emotional Technique

The connection between the mind and body has been well researched and documented. Many of the leading luminaries in this field are referenced below for their groundbreaking work. Understanding the connection between our mind and our bodies gives us an important key to optimal health and well-being. Here is some information from your Laguna Beach CA chiropractors.


  1. Candice Pert
    The research of Candace Pert is very significant for MindBody therapy. She is referred to as the mother of Psychoneuroimmunology, a new field in science. In her book Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel (1997). She explains that cells are lined with specific receptors that only certain molecules can attach themselves to. These molecules are like messages that communicate between the body, mind, neurons, glands, and immune cells. She also wrote Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine (1999), Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d (2006), and The Science of Golf and Life eBook (2013).
  2. Bruce Lipton
    Bruce Lipton is known for his book, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles (2005). This book outlines his findings that our biology is not controlled by genes and DNA, but rather our DNA is controlled by signals outside of the cell. These signals can include our positive and negative thoughts, which send energetic messages. He also touches on what Candace Pert research- the way cells receive information.
  3. Dr. John Sarno
    Known as America's back doctor, Dr. John Sarno has published widely about his theories on back pain. Books: The Divided Mind : 2006, The Mind Body Prescription: 1998, Healing Back Pain: 1991 Mind Over Back Pain: 1984
  4. Blair Justice
    This book explores the connection between health and happiness. Justice, a medical doctor, affirms and supports that thoughts and feelings play a pivotal role in causing sickness. On the other hand, close and loving relationships can help to protect one from illness. He discusses the increasing levels of stress in today's world and provides useful ways to handle stress and maintain health.
  5. Ernest L. Rossi, Ph. D
    The Creative Psychosocial Genomic Healing Experience©: Administration, Rationale, & Research: An Open Invitation to Mind-Body Psychotherapy Clinical & Experimental Research (2012)

    1. "We have documented how our ideo-plastic Creative Psychosocial Genomic Healing Experience reduces (1) dysfunctional inflammation (associated with chronic pain and delayed healing) and (2) oxidative stress (associated with many chronic medical conditions and the aging process) as well as (3) increasing a “molecular-genomic signature of stem cells” (activation of stem cells associated with healing and the rehabilitation and in many tissues of the body) as the deep psychobiological source of human resilience and resourcefulness (Rossi, Iannotti et al. 2008; Atkinson et al., 2010; Rossi et al. 2011, in press)." (Rossi & Rossi, 2012)
      Art, Beauty & Truth: The Psychosocial Genomics of Consciousness, Dreams, and Brain Growth in Psychotherapy and Mind-Body Healing. (2004)
    2. "Many of our genes are active players responding adaptively, cooperatively, and creatively to the cues, challenges, and contingencies of our ever-changing daily experience."
  6. KJ Sherman and HM Langevin
    Neuroimaging has shown that there are distinct “brain networks” involved in acute vs. chronic pain. Chronic pain is specifically related to regions of cognition and emotions. (Langevin & Sherman, 2007)
  7. Chinese Medicine
    Chinese medicine has found, through 3,000 years of research that people with certain specific health challenges had emotional problems that correlated. For example; people with liver and gallbladder problems reported that their common feelings include anger, resentment, depression, indecision and/or frustration. This Chinese system for understanding the mind/body connection is far ahead of western medicines.


  • N.E.T.
    From the research, we see that our mental and emotional state affects our health. The good news is that there are techniques to help reduce that stress that has been validated through medical studies. One such technique is Neuro Emotional Technique, also known as N.E.T. There was an important study done in 2017 validating its effectiveness.

    • Neuro Emotional Technique by Dr. Scott Walker: Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) uses muscle testing and gentle tapping to facilitate the release of negative emotions causing stress. This is achieved by identifying, connecting to, and letting go of old emotional patterns thus reducing the underlying emotional stressors held in the body. NET is based on a proven combination of the latest scientific research and 3,000 years of Chinese medicine research regarding the mind-body connection. NET Website
  • Research Behind the Technique
    • Study 1: Neuro emotional technique effects on brain physiology in cancer patients with traumatic stress symptoms: preliminary findings (Monti et. al., 2017)
      1. “The results of the study were really quite dramatic. In just four to five brief sessions, patients who received NET reported much less distress, their overall emotional state improved significantly and the way their brains reacted to stress cues normalized.”
      2. The study validated the powerful effects of NET on the brain. 23 participants with a prior cancer diagnosis were involved. Brain scans were taken of the participants before and after treatments, which revealed a dramatic reduction in the brain’s response to trauma as a result of NET.
      3. Watch the above right-hand video for more information
    • Study 2: Scientific Validation of the Mind/Body Paradigm & Muscle Testing (Monti, Sinnott, Marchese, Kunkle & Greeson, 1999)
      • The study validated the use of muscle testing and the mind-body connection. Participants muscle strength was recorded when stating congruent statements as well as incongruent statements. Overall, there was a significant difference found in muscle test responses between incongruent and congruent semantic stimuli.

N.E.T has been proven to:

  • decrease inflammation
  • decrease anxiety
  • decrease depression
  • improve immune response
  • improve the quality of life!


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Justice, B. (2000). Who gets sick: Thinking and health. Houston: Peak Press.

Langevin, H. M., & Sherman, K. J. (2007). Pathophysiological model for chronic low back pain integrating connective tissue and nervous system mechanisms. Medical hypotheses, 68(1), 74-80.

Lipton, B. (2005). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles. Hay House.

Pert, C. B. (1997). Molecules of emotion: Why you feel the way you feel. Simon and Schuster.

Pert, C. B. (1999). Molecules of emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine. New York: Touchstone.

Pert, C. B. (2006). Everything you need to know to feel Go (o) d. Hay House, Inc.

Rossi, E. L. (2004). Art, beauty and truth: The psychosocial genomics of consciousness, dreams, and brain growth in psychotherapy and mind-body healing. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 7(3), 10-18.


Sarno, J. E. (1984). Mind over back pain: A radically new approach to the diagnosis and treatment of back pain. New York: Berkley Books.

Sarno, J. E. (1991). Healing back pain: The mind-body connection. New York: Warner Books.

Sarno, J. E. (1999). The mindbody prescription: Healing the body, healing the pain. New York: Warner Books.

Sarno, J, E. (2006). The divided mind: The epidemic of mindbody disorders. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.


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