Detox 2 Flourish In Laguna Beach CA

Chiropractic Laguna Beach CA Detox 2 Flourish

It's Detox Time! We are so excited for you to cleanse your system and reset your health.

All The Details In Laguna Beach CA

Chiropractic Laguna Beach CA Detox Instructions

Here is everything you need to know about the detox: what to eat, what not to eat, how to prepare, what supplements to eat, detox tips, etc. Print it out and keep it in a spot where you can reference it daily during your detox!

Your Detox Resources

1) Set Up Your Pre-Detox Consultation
Your detox package comes with a pre-detox consultation to walk through your goals, answer any questions you have about the detox, and cater your detox experience to your needs, goals, and health concerns.

Call (949) 497-2553 or fill out the form below to schedule your Pre-Detox Consultation.

2. Daily Detox Emails
Ready to get started with your detox?

The day before you start your detox, sign up for your daily emails below!

3. Facebook Support Group
Join the Facebook support group to share recipes, ask questions, and share this experience with the Health in Balance team and others on the detox!

What's The Detox All About?

Learn From Our Experience

Pre-Detox Preparation

Everyone's experience of this detox will be different. Maybe this is your first detox, or maybe you have done many in the past. Each time it is a new experience no matter how many or how few times you’ve done it. As you prepare for the detox, it’s important to Determine Your Why! Why are you doing this detox? What are your hopes, what symptoms do you hope will diminish? What improvements do you want to see? Begin to write these out. We provide you with the Progress Tracker for this purpose. It’s awesome to see where you are starting and where you end up!

The most important part of preparation is to commit! This detox is for you and your health, nobody is going to do it for you. It’s your commitment that will get you through. At the same time, there are many people supporting you on this journey. Our team is here for you. We are only a phone call or email away. Feel free to give us a call at (949) 497-2553 with any questions or email or for advice and guidance. You may even want to invite a friend or family member to do this with you as well. Whatever you choose, you are not alone, and yet this is your commitment and your body. Own it and stick with it!

As you go into the detox, it’s important to have both motivating and gracious expectations for yourself. Challenge yourself to make the hard choices and stay committed to what you’ve set out to do. Also, be gracious with yourself when it’s hard or if you mess up. Commit to lean into this process. It’s worth it!

Take some time to fill out your progress tracker, determine your why, and make your commitment.

This detox is going to benefit your health in many ways. Some of those things will be felt and noticed. Others will be more long-term. Detoxing is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. We are all exposed to so many toxins through our food and environment, which cause many different symptoms. In order to lead a flourishing and healthy life, it’s vital to cleanse and detox on a regular basis. Some of the benefits that you can expect after the detox include:

  • More stable energy
  • Better digestion
  • Less pain and inflammation
  • Less brain fog
  • Weight loss
  • Better skin quality
  • And lots more!

However, it’s important to recognize that this detox is part of your healing journey. It’s not a cure-all. All of us have a different story with our health and each time we choose to do something like this, it will bring healing in new ways. It’s another significant step in building a life of wellness and flourishing.

It’s normal to experience different symptoms throughout the detox. These are signs that your body is going through the detoxification process, and they are OKAY.

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Soreness
  • Bloating

If you experience the symptoms listed above, try the following:

  1. Drink more water. Toxins are being released in your body and you need water to flush them out. Stay very hydrated.
  2. Take 1 capsule of bind every hour until symptoms subside.
  3. If that doesn’t work, take ¼ scoop of Opticleanse every hour in water until symptoms subside.

Remember, we are just a phone call or email away. If you are experiencing challenges, reach out to us and we would love to walk you through a solution.

The Diet

Stay away from these 5 food groups:

  1. Sugar: No refined sugar, honey, maple syrup, or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, etc. The only sweetener you can have is stevia, monk fruit, or erythritol
  2. Dairy: No cow’s cheese, could have a small amount of sheep or goat cheese, but keep it very minimal
  3. Alcohol
  4. Caffeine: No coffee, tea, or energy drinks
  5. Grains: No rice, oats, barley, quinoa, etc. Although it's not a grain, no corn as well
Chiropractor Laguna Beach CA Lisa Arthur Preparing Salad

**Check your labels carefully on every product you buy for hidden sugar, flour, grains, caffeine, etc. Also, check for “natural flavors” or “artificial flavors” - stay away from these.


  • Lots Of Veggies:
    • Go organic during this detox! (Non-organic have pesticides and chemicals that we want to give the body a break from)
    • Green leafy vegetables are great (and low-carb)
    • For root vegetables such as carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc., keep these to a minimum if your goal is to lose excess weight
    • Stay away from corn (many people have a sensitivity to it and it’s usually GMO)
  • Healthy Proteins: Free-range chicken, wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef, etc., or Non GMO Tofu. Stay away from pork and shellfish.
  • Fruits Again, go organic. Stick to berries and citrus fruits, and go very light on high-glycemic foods such as bananas and mangoes, especially if you would like to lose a few pounds. Stay away from dates.)high-glycemic.
  • Nuts & Seeds: Raw, organic nuts such as almonds, pecans, cashews, walnuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, etc. Stay away from peanuts.
  • Legumes: Brown and black beans, lentils, garbanzo beans, etc.
  • Healthy Oils: Olive oil, avocado oil, & coconut oil. You can use a healthy vegan butter option. Stay away from hydrogenated oils & canola oil.
  • Avocados and olives are great sources of healthy fats.
  • Eggs (unless you have a food sensitivity to them).
  • Paleo/Grain Free Products such as Siete Chips, Siete Tortillas, Paleo Bread, etc. (Try to keep processed foods to a minimum as much as you can, but these products are great for those times when you’re missing your comfort foods.)


  • Coffee & Caffeinated Tea: We are staying away from caffeine to give our liver a break and a chance to detox and reset. You should even steer clear of decaf coffee because chemicals are used in the process of decaffeinating the coffee.
  • Soda & Flavored Drinks: These are packed with sugar. Stay away from anything with natural or artificial flavors.
  • Juices High In Sugar: Many juices look healthy and great, but are packed with sugars, be careful of Naked and Odwalla which are high in fruit sugars, and stick to lower carb, lower sugar green juices.
  • Milk & Dairy Products
  • Soy Milk: Most soy is genetically modified and we want to stay away from most soy products unless you are vegetarian and need to have some nonGMO tofu.


  • Water: Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and flush the toxins.
  • Herbal Tea: Rooibos, Holy Basil, Chamomile, Hibiscus, Ginger, Detox - make sure to check your tea ingredients for natural or artificial flavors and stay away from these.
  • Vegetable Juices: Green veggie juices are great on the detox: celery, cucumber, kale, ginger (keep on the lower side for carrots and beets if trying to lose weight).
  • Warm Bone Broth: Bone broth is very healing for the digestive system) Recipe video below!
  • Bubble Water With Lime: Just plain mineral or bubble water. This can be a nice treat with some fresh lemon or lime, but keep it to a minimum. Stay away from La Croix and anything with natural flavors.

The Supplements


  • Daily Fiber (or MetaFiber): (Fiber for GI Cleanse)
    • Blend 1 Scoop in 8 ounces water (Quick 5-second blend) and drink right away, otherwise, it will get thick
      • 1 Scoop in the morning (first thing in the morning, at least 30 mins before food- even if intermittent fasting, won’t break your fast)
      • 1 Scoop at night (last thing at night before bed)
  • Daily Cleanse (or Opticleanse): (Liver Detoxification Powder)
    • 2 Scoops 1 time a day (in your smoothie or in water- don’t blend for longer than 3 seconds) See Smoothie Recipes below
  • GI-Resolve
    • 2 scoops 1 time a day (add in with your opticleanse)
  • Plant Source Minerals
    • 4 droppers 1 time a day (to clarify: 4 half-filled droppers, approx 40 drops). Add to your smoothie or opticleanse
  • LiverX
    • Take 2 capsules 1 time a day (along with your smoothie or midday)
  • Bind: (Charcoal Detoxifier)
    • 4 capsules at night, 1 time a day (Take with Metafiber)
      • Last thing at night before bed, at least 1 hour after supplements or food, at least 2 hours after any medication


  • Daily Fiber (or MetaFiber): (Fiber for GI Cleanse)
    • Blend 1 Scoop in 8 ounces water (Quick 5-second blend) and drink right away, otherwise, it will get thick
      • 1 Scoop in the morning (first thing in the morning, at least 30 mins before food- even if intermittent fasting, won’t break your fast)
      • 1 Scoop at night (last thing at night before bed)
  • Daily Cleanse (or Opticleanse): (Liver Detoxification Powder)
    • 2 Scoops 1 time a day (in your smoothie or in water- don’t blend for longer than 3 seconds) See Smoothie Recipes below
  • GI-Resolve
    • 2 scoops 1 time a day (add in with your opticleanse)
  • Plant Source Minerals
    • 4 droppers 1 time a day (to clarify: 4 half-filled droppers, approx 40 drops). Add to your smoothie or opticleanse
  • LiverX
    • Take 2 capsules 1 time a day (along with your smoothie or midday)
  • Bind: (Charcoal detoxifier)
    • 4 capsules at night, 1 time a day (Take with Metafiber)
      • Last thing at night before bed, at least 1 hour after supplements or food, at least 2 hours after any medication
  • CytoDetox
    • Take 5mL two times a day (place under your tongue and hold for 30 seconds until it absorbs)
      • First time: late morning (30 minutes before or after food or other supplements)
      • Second time: late afternoon (30 minutes before or after food or other supplements)
  • FastTonic
    • We recommend incorporating one 24-hour fasting period each week during your 4-week program. On this day, you will put one FastTonic in water, let it fully dissolve, and then drink the water. Do not take any other supplements during your 24-hour fasting period.

Daily Detox Schedule

First Thing in the Morning:

  • (At least 30 minutes before food)
  • 1 scoop Daily Fiber (or Metafiber0


  • Stay away from the 5 “No Foods”
  • Skip breakfast if intermittent fasting
  • Recipe Idea: Cage-free scrambled eggs with vegan pesto, sauteed baby tomatoes, and arugula, wrapped in a toasted almond flower Siete tortilla


  • Daily Cleanse (or Opticleanse) smoothie with 2 scoops Opti Cleanse, 2 scoops GI Resolve, 4 droppers Plant Source minerals. (Recipes below)
  • Take 2 Liver X
  • Smoothie can be a meal replacement, or if you would like something more, add in a nice kale salad or veggie plate


  • It’s best to keep snacking to a minimum, but if you need a small snack, some organic, raw nuts are a great choice, or Flackers crackers with hummus


  • Avoid your 5 “No foods”
  • Incorporate lots of green leafy vegetables
  • Recipe Idea: Zucchini spaghetti with marinara sauce, fresh basil, and paleo beef meatballs (recipe below)

Right Before Bed:

  • (At least 1 hour after dinner, and 2 hours after any medications)
  • 4 capsules BIND
  • 1 scoop Daily Fiber (or Metafiber)

First Thing in the Morning: (At least 30 minutes before food)

  • 1 scoop Daily Fiber (or Metafiber)


  • Stay away from the 5 “No Foods”
  • Skip breakfast if intermittent fasting
  • Recipe Idea: Cage-free scrambled eggs with vegan pesto, sauteed baby tomatoes, and arugula, wrapped in a toasted almond flower Siete tortilla

Late Morning:

  • Place 5 mL CytoDetox under your tongue and hold for 30 seconds until it absorbs (do not have supplements or food 30 minutes before or after taking CytoDetox)


  • Daily Cleanse (or Opticleanse) smoothie with 2 scoops Opti Cleanse, 2 scoops GI Resolve, 4 droppers Plant Source minerals. (Recipes below)
  • Take 2 Liver X
  • Smoothie can be a meal replacement, or if you would like something more, add in a nice kale salad or veggie plate


  • It’s best to keep snacking to a minimum, but if you need a small snack, some organic, raw nuts are a great choice, or Flackers crackers with hummus

Late Afternoon:

  • Place 5 mL CytoDetox under your tongue and hold for 30 seconds until it absorbs (do not have supplements or food 30 minutes before or after taking CytoDetox)


  • Avoid your 5 “No foods”
  • Incorporate lots of green leafy vegetables
  • Recipe Idea: Zucchini spaghetti with marinara sauce, fresh basil, and paleo beef meatballs (recipe below)

Right Before Bed:

  • (At least 1 hour after dinner, and 2 hours after any medications)
  • 4 capsules BIND
  • 1 scoop Daily Fiber (or Metafiber)

Fasting Day**

  • Incorporate one 24-hour period of fasting each week. For example, you could fast from 7pm one day until 7pm the next day.
  • During this 24-hour period, place one FastTonic tablet in 8oz water and let it completely dissolve. Drink this mid-way through your fasting period.

Daily Detox Tips

A Few More Tips...

  • Take all the food that will tempt you, and put it in your garage during your detox.
  • If you’re having a sweet tooth, try Lily’s chocolate, sweetened with Stevia, have a baked sweet potato, or make a Coconut Blendie! (see recipe below)
  • Drink lots of water, you’ll need it!
  • Use dry brushing daily to improve lymphatic drainage.
  • Sweat daily, whether through exercise or sauna.
  • Keep moving. Movement and exercise are important for detoxification and lymphatic drainage. But don’t push yourself too hard, you don’t want to stress the body. Walking, jogging, swimming, and yoga are great choices.
  • Incorporate Qi Gong and Wim Hof breathing- check them out online- great stuff! Holding Qi Gong & Wim Hof Method
  • Harness the healing power of temperature by trying out cold plunges and cold showers. Wim Hof has more information on this on his website above.
  • Incorporate Intermittent Fasting: For those who want to lose weight, try fasting for 12-17 hours per day. (For example, you stop eating dinner at 8pm, and don’t eat anything until 12pm the next day, except for your morning supplements of detox relief and baltone/metafiber)
  • If you’re taking other supplements and medications, continue taking these or consult with your doctor. Just make sure to take them 30 minutes before or after the detox relief.
  • Get a good amount of sleep. This is when your body goes into healing mode. Here are some helpful tips for a restful night's sleep: Turn your phone on airplane mode, refrain from looking at a screen for an hour before bed, block out light from entering your room, and don’t eat dinner too late.

Recipies & Ideas

Encouragement From Others!

Ending the Detox Well

As you approach the end of your 2 week detox, there are a few things to consider. You want to begin to introduce foods back into your diet slowly. It’s important to ease your body back onto the 5 food groups in stages so that you don’t overwhelm your system.

This is called a rotational diet. You are incorporating foods one by one to see if they cause any fatigue, achiness, brain fog, intestinal bloating or pain, or any other symptoms. Pay careful attention to how you feel after introducing each food and make lifestyle changes based on those observations. You may want to leave some of these food groups out of your diet altogether or simply diminish them. Hopefully you’ve found some healthy replacements on this detox that you’ve started to really enjoy!

Before your detox ends, start to set your intentions for when and how you will incorporate these foods back into your diet slowly. Maybe take one day to introduce caffeine back into your diet (but again, go slowly, maybe one cup of green tea or a small coffee to start). Then, the next day, try another food group, let’s say dairy. And the next day, try one type of grain.

When you incorporate dairy, maybe you will find that you react negatively to it, and you realize that you want to cut dairy out of your diet or that you just want to keep it to a minimum.

For caffeine, you may have found that your natural energy has gone up on its own without a caffeine boost. Pay attention to that and transition accordingly. You may not want to drink as many cups of coffee as you used to or maybe you shift to a different source of caffeine like matcha, which provides a longer-lasting energy boost, or black tea, which has less caffeine.

Your body may react differently to different types of grains including gluten and wheat, oats, rice, etc. Incorporate these separately and wait a few days before having the others. You may find that you bloat or have fatigue after eating one of these. That’s a sign to start to decrease or fully take that grain out of your diet.

For sugar, start with healthy, natural sugars like sucanat, honey (raw unfiltered, unheated), coconut sugar, and maple syrup. And again keep this low when you are reintroducing it.

When you have your first alcoholic beverage after the detox, be sure to have a scoop of opticleanse in water that night before bed. The next morning, have 2 scoops. This will help your body process it well. You should also consider switching over to organic wine to stay away from sulfites and chemicals.

One awesome result you will recognize is that your cravings may have changed throughout this process. You may find that the sweet things you used to crave are too sweet for you now. Stick with that! Incorporate new choices to replace old unhealthy habits. Those are the lifestyle changes you want to see coming out of this! Your body has shifted in terms of what you depend on and what you crave. You are forming healthier rhythms, tastes, and lifestyle choices. Keep this up!

You have done something so wonderful for your body through this detox! We are confident that it will provide long-term results and benefits.

You may have some supplements leftover after your detox. We recommend that you continue to use these to ease your body off of the detox and continue the benefits of the nutrients. You will begin to use them at a decreased dosage. Follow this daily routine until your supplements run out:

  • MetaFiber: (Fiber for GI Cleanse)
    • Blend 1 Scoop in 8 ounces water (Quick 5 second blend) and drink right away, otherwise it will get thick
      • 1 Scoop at night (last thing at night before bed)
  • Bind: (Charcoal Detoxifier)
    • 2 Capsules Night (Take with Metafiber)
      • Last thing at night before bed, at least 1 hour after supplements or food, at least 2 hours after any medication
  • Opticleanse: (Liver Detoxification Powder)
    • 1 Scoops a day (in your smoothie or in water- don’t blend for longer than 3 seconds)
  • GI-Resolve
    • 1 scoops a day (add in with your opticleanse)
  • Plant Source Minerals
    • 2 droppers daily (to clarify: 2 half filled droppers, approx 20 drops)
  • LiverX
    • Take 1 capsule daily

Seasonal Detoxification

We recommend that you incorporate detoxing into your lifestyle on a seasonal basis. We find that doing a detox 3 times a year is a wonderful and natural rhythm. It keeps your body clean, healthy, and functioning well. On a yearly basis, we usually find that these three detoxes are great times of cleaning:

  • New Year’s Detox in January
  • Pre-Summer Detox in May/June
  • Fall Detox in September/October

Due to all the toxins we are exposed to, detoxing on a regular basis is a vital part of a healthy and flourishing life. We will see you on your next Detox 2 Flourish!

Cheers to your most flourishing life!


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7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

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8:00am - 12:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Health in Balance

330 Park Ave #3
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
P: (949) 497-2553
F: (949) 497-5273