Are You Certain In Laguna Beach

Are You Certain in Laguna Beach CA?

Chiropractic Laguna Beach CA Are You Certain About Risk

Life is full of risk, whether we like it or not.

How we respond and react to that risk is up to us.

Of course, we can try and control our life to such a degree as to decrease the amount of risk we are confronted with on a routine basis.

There are generally two categories of people,

the risk-averse and the risk-takers.

Cultures too are prone towards either aversion or propensity.

Group disposition inevitably influences how we, as an individual, engage risk.

The risk-averse want to be certain and confident in their decisions, usually weighing out the options and outcomes.

The thrill-seekers thrive in the unknown, finding stimulation and liberation within the mystery.

Maybe you have found yourself on both sides of the fence, for life often requires us to act in accordance with both of these laws based on our circumstances.

But what about our health in Laguna Beach CA?

Should we be more risk-averse or thrill-seeking?

This is one topic I would argue we take more of a risk-averse approach.

We want to be sure that whoever is treating us is experienced, knowledgeable, professional and effective, right?

And that whatever approach, methodology, philosophy, or treatment they use has been proven to work, is safe, and produces the desired outcome.

When it comes to health, being certain is vital, your life may depend on it.

Risk-aversion, in this context, is beneficial.

That's why research is so important.

Research is Important in Laguna Beach

It shows whether or not a certain approach or treatment is trustworthy and reliable. For example, I am confident that adding turmeric to my diet is healthy and beneficial for it is a proven anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and increases brain function, among other benefits.

Read More Info Here


We recently compiled a bunch of research and released it on our website.

I wanted to share with you a couple of the highlights from the first segment:

  • Benefits of Chiropractic Care and Adjustments
    • Turns down pain
    • (Ogura, T et al., 2011) (Haavik-Taylor & Murphy, 2007) (Muller & Giles, 2005) (Vicenzine, Collins, & Wright, 1996)
  • Decreases muscle spasm
    • ( DeVocht, Pickar, & Wilder, 2005)
  • Decreases Low Back and Neck Pain
    • (Bronfort et al., 2012) (Hanelinea & Coopersteinc, 2009) (Hass, Sharma, & Stano, 2005)
  • Helps break up adhesions in the muscles
    • (Cramer et al., 2010)
  • Improves Central Nervous System Function
    • (Harrison, Cailliet, Harrison,Troyanovich, & Harrison, 1999)
  • Alters spinal cord reflex excitability
    • (Haavik-Taylor & Murphy, 2007)
  • Alters sensory processing
    • (Haavik-Taylor & Murphy, 2007)
  • Alters motor excitability
    • (Haavik-Taylor & Murphy, 2007)

To see the rest: CLICK HERE (password: hibresearch)

Having confidence and certainty gives us a sure foundation.

We treat people knowing that it has been proven to work through research and science.

Not only that, but we see it every day manifested in the patients whose lives are dramatically changing.

Those who are getting their health back, who are walking again without pain, who's back-issues are disappearing, whose throbbing headaches are alleviating and whose allergies are clearing up.

We love what we do and we love that we are apart of your story!

We would love to know how you are doing and how we can walk with you on your journey to better health.

Come see us!


7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

Massage Only
8:00am - 12:00pm

7:00am - 11:00am

Health in Balance

330 Park Ave #3
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
P: (949) 497-2553
F: (949) 497-5273